High quality student accommodation in Loughborough... call today on 07813 082290

Comfortable Living

Frequently Asked Questions

Please find a list of frequently asked questions below. If your question isn’t answered here, feel free to contact me.

Can I view one of your houses?

Yes just contact me by telephone 07813 082290 or email [email protected] I will arrange to meet you at the house & show you around.

What type of Tenancy Agreement will I have to sign?

It is an Assured Shorthold Tenancy for 12 months.

When are your houses available and for how long?

They are available for 12 months and the tenancy starts on July 1st until June 30th.

When is a good time to view your houses?

I suggest late October or beginning of November. The good student houses do get booked up very early, usually before the Christmas holidays.

Is there parking available?

A couple of the houses do have parking - 25 Radmoor Road has parking for 3 cars and 4 Radmoor Road has parking for 1 car. Otherwise you can apply for parking permits for your car which enables to park outside your house on the road.

What does the rent include?

The rent includes water rates, Internet and TV network. Inclusion of gas and electric bills can also be included at an additional amount of rent per week.

Do I pay a deposit?

Yes, I ask for a deposit of £250 per student before the start of the tenancy.

How do I get my deposit back?

The deposit money is paid into a Deposit Protection Company. At the end of your tenancy the money is repaid to you as long as there has been no significant damage to the house or the goods supplied within. It is extremely rare for deposits not to be paid back.

Do I have to look after the gardens?

No, I supply a gardener who looks after the gardens all year round.

Are you houses alarmed?

Yes they are all alarmed and exterior security lighting is also provided.

What is the East Midlands Landlord Accrediditation Scheme?

This is an organisation which checks that a student property is managed and let to a sufficiently high standard, covering all aspects of fire and safety in the house. I do have a certificate to say that I have been accredited and the properties are checked regularly.

Do your houses have internet access & TV reception in the bedrooms?

Yes, all of the houses have wirless Internet and all of the bedrooms have wired TV points.